About Us
TurboaSOX is India’s first Fabric Air Ducting system, duly manufactured ever since its inception 15 years ago providing the most efficient, hygienic and aesthetically appealing HVAC ducting systems. Proven for its precise design engineering and durability over the years with our installations across various Industrial and commercial spaces. Part of SunGreen Ventilation Systems– An HVAC firm with over 3 decades of experience in industries across India. Known for optimized and durable, design and build turnkey HVAC solutions,
TurboaSox Fabric air ducts provides innovative, quality air dispersion solutions with an efficient, clean approach that places customer requirements at the forefront. Industries from food to pharma, chemical to auto and everything in between has benefited from the SunGreen products and expertise. TurboaSOX is also the cleanest and safest HVAC ducting available as on date. TurboaSOX fabric ducts are also ideal for the hospital industry considering cleanliness and hygiene advantages. #turboasox #fabricductsindia #fabricducts #textileduct #turboasoxfabricducts #fabricairduct #Turboasox #fabricductindia #fabricductingindia #fabric duct #fabric ducting #fabric ducting india #Turboasoxfabricducts #Turboasox fabric ducts