TurboaSOX Fabric ducts with SunGreen – Evaporative Cooling – Efficient Electrical Panel Room Cooling Solution

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A Throwback Story – When one of India’s largest and most popular manufacturer of Automobile Batteries came to us with the requirement to cool their electrical panel room. The conventional cooling options were discussed by the client. At SunGreen, our team offered them a solution to meet the requirements with just 10% of operation costs of what had been offered to them earlier with conventional cooling options.

SunGreen Precise Evaporative Cooling, compact #DuctableCoolers were suggested along with TurboaSOX Fabric Air Dispersion Systems. Considering the installation of evaporative cooling solution for electrical panel cooling 15 years ago was a first of its kinds, we convinced the client on the advantages of the same and that with a well maintained airflow patterns it will only have positive effect on the panels.

With their trust, the system was installed.SunGreen PEC Units provided the desired temperatures with 100% fresh air into the space, TurboaSOX Air Dispersion systems worked immensely well to have an even airflow to maintain a cold isle space. Unlike conventional metal ducting with diffusers, where in such scenarios distribution could have been an issue with concerns including very cold / hot spots. Appropriate arrangements were made by our technical team for airflow to pass through the electrical panels and flow out of the building. The exhausts which conventionally would have been carried out with blowers and ducting, was again achieved with the installation of TurboVENTS on the roof, thus enabling immense savings.

The results were optimum. the system met the requirements efficiently with a very low carbon foot print. #TurboaSOXFabricducts #fabricductsindia #fabricductindia #ductablecoolers #compactcoolers #freshairsystems #fabricducting #fabricductingindia #TurboaSOX #sungreen #sungreenventilationsystems #Panelroom #panelroomcooling #serverroomcooling #electricalpanelcooling