Trichi, TamilNadu, India – The Government of TamilNadu, forest department trusted SunGreen with their state of the art indoor butterfly conservatory. This indoor conservatory is a metal building constructed in the shape of the body of a butterfly with polycarbonate roof. The type of roof was a requirement for the plants, and landscaping inside the space to survive, which was also of prime importance for the butterflies to be let into the space. The heat load inside the space was enormous in consideration to the heat dissipated through the polycarbonate sheeting.
SunGreen team analyzed the various requirements and the design details to be considered for us to achieve the required comfort condition inside the space for both the butterflies as well as the tourists who walk inside the space.
Few key points considered for us to achieve a quality installation included,
- Heat from the roofing sheet.
- Well-Planned exhaust system apart from the sidewalls built with considerable amount of welded mesh, which also contributed to movement of air outside the space.
- SunGreen Precise Compact evaporative cooling modules were planned for forced supply air at much lower temperatures than ambient conditions. The Industrial grade coolers were well distributed around the building, thus each cooler / cooling unit addressing the cooling needs for the particular zone of installation.
- SunGreen Cooling Units are compact coolers built of robust Stainless Steel construction to ensure longevity in comparison to cheaper plastic versions.
- TurboaSOX fabric air dispersion Systems / fabric air ducts were considered for the requirement due to its various advantages considering that they are aesthetically appealing ducts, customized Colours were planned for the project to sync with the construction, even and distributed airflow all through the duct and the most important factor was that the air flow velocities in a TurboaSOX fabric air ducting system could be customized to the T to meet the requirements.
- Considering that butterflies would be inside the space, the airflow velocities needed to be optimized so that it does not cause disturbance to them but at the same time meet the conditions required.
- TurboaSOX fabric air dispersion systems were produced after extensive design detailing considering the shape of the building and the turboasox fabric ducts had to be customized to go with the building shape to make it aesthetically appealing.
- The SunGreen Air cooling units were positioned also keeping in mind the varied building heights, tourist pathway etc. to achieve the best possible solution.
- TurboVENTS India’s first and only proven wind driven ventilators were considered in low quantities on the roof to address the heat collection below the roof to make the system more efficient.
On successful installation and commisioning, the system was ideal for the environment achieving the required comfort at the same time with enormous energy savings in comparison to conventional air handling systems or conditioning systems. our client was overwhelmed with the results.
Once again the advantage of designing a system with SunGreen Cooling units and TurboaSOX fabric ducts met the requirements perfectly.
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